

BySWIFT· {{info['create_date']}}

Methods of Extracting Residential Proxy

There are two methods for extracting our residential proxies:

  1. API Extraction
  2. Credential Authentication (Username & Password) 

Method 1: API Extraction 

1. Log In and Access "Get Proxy"

  • Important Note: Add your local IP to the IP whitelist before using the API Extraction method. This can be done via the Account Dashboard.
  • After logging in, tap "Get Proxy".

Getting residential proxies


2. Configure and Generate API Link

  • Select "API extraction" and configure the settings based on your needs.
  • Click "Generate API Link" to complete the proxy extraction.

API Extraction

Method 2: Credential Authentication (User & Password)

1. Create a Sub-Account

  • After logging in, create a sub-account via your personal account dashboard.
  • Ensure to change the sub-account status from "Pause" to "Enable" and set up a data usage cap (Traffic Cap) to prevent unexpected overuse.
  • Hit "Confirm" to finish creating the sub-account.

Enable proxy settings

2. Access "Get Proxy" and Configure Settings

  • Head to the "Get Proxy" section and select "Credential Authentication".
  • Configure your residential proxy based on your needs. For example, select "Random in North America".

Note: Swiftproxy offers two IP types:

  • Sticky Session: For sticky IP, select the IP stabilization time (e.g., if set to 3 minutes, the IP will change every 3 minutes).
  • Rotation Mode: IPs will change every time we make a new request to the web.

getting proxies from Swiftproxy

3. Finish Proxy Extraction

  • Tap "Copy link" or "Batch Generation" to finish the proxy extraction.


If you have followed all the methods and still encounter issues with extracting your residential proxy, please contact the Swiftproxy support team via email or Telegram.

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